Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1.How Does Postpartum Pelvic Bone Restoration Achieve An Upright Waistline?

Through Tai He TCM Clinic's postpartum pelvic bone restoration service, combined with highly specialized traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) orthopedic techniques, the pelvic bone positioning is adjusted. This effectively enhances spinal alignment, optimizes the curvature of the waistline, and imparts a more upright contour.

2.How Does Postpartum Pelvic Bone Restoration Improve Urinary Leakage And Hemorrhoid Issues?

Opting for Tai He TCM Clinic's postpartum pelvic bone restoration service, our experienced TCM orthopedic therapists employ unique skills to strengthen pelvic muscles and improve their supporting capacity. This effectively addresses urinary leakage concerns. Moreover, the method also alleviates pelvic pressure, offering relief from hemorrhoid symptoms.

3.How does postpartum pelvic bone restoration enhance pelvic immune function and alleviate gynecological inflammation?

Tai He TCM Clinic's postpartum pelvic bone restoration service, incorporating refined TCM orthopedic techniques, optimizes pelvic structure. This effectively promotes pelvic blood circulation and elevates pelvic immune function, aiding in the prevention and mitigation of gynecological inflammation.

4.Tai He TCM Clinic 泰合中医提供哪些中医治疗服务?

Tai He TCM Clinic 泰合中医提供丰富多样的中医治疗服务,包括无痛针灸、拔罐、推拿、正骨中药配方等,以满足不同健康需求。



